Monday, February 21, 2011

What is the Men's Golf Association

I'm sure this a pretty popular question that most are shy to ask but, What is the M.G.A., what do we do, and why should I be a member?

The M.G.A. is a club within the club. The M.G.A. is a self sustaining organization that has a separate budget and board of officers from Riverlands C.C. We pay tournament entry fees to the club and are a not for profit organization.  The M.G.A. strives to provide our members with a fun, competitive environment. 

Your next question probably is "Well, where does the remainder of the funds go after entry fees have been paid and prize money distributed?"  The M.G.A.  takes this surplus and we fund projects around the club. For example, the proceeds from our raffle this Sunday are being donated to Randy to buy chemicals for the course, and we are looking at funding a project to build a scoreboard by the back patio this year.

So, as you can see the answer to the last question should be "I want to be a member of the M.G.A. to participate and have have fun playing golf while knowing that I am helping to give back and improve my club, Riverlands C.C."  

We have a great tournament schedule this season, so please join us this season!

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